i really like the ideas you have in here. very ineresting to listen to. not quite my style, but i like it alot anyway. check out my stuff
i really like the ideas you have in here. very ineresting to listen to. not quite my style, but i like it alot anyway. check out my stuff
ok I will check
since you actully replied
I give you a cookie * <--- Cookie
aa what?
really random. not much of a song.
how much of it wasnt loops dude. make something original. not trying to put you down, its just that theres to many garage band loops and not much else. it doesnt really flow at all either.
Yeah, I kinda agree with you, I made this a while back, and I just found it, it's kinda amateur.
hey man this is really good. well done. i wish you had some better recording equipment.
Hey man !
Thanks you for your review !
I've a Boss br 600 for my records so it's a good recording equipement dut the problem is my computer but I'll change this!Thanks !
how did you record this? the levels are not very even. however i relize you may not have been able to help that. i like your drummer.
Hey man!
Thank you for your review!
I know this sature a bit.But I'll change my computer because it's very old!
My drummer is my pc with acoustica beat craft and i've a boss br 600 for my records.
i like the beet alot. it is a decent loop. Maybe turn up that bass drum a little bit.
Thanks :-)
its really good, and really funny, i dont know why it just makes me laugh. there are contrasting keys at the end of it. that doesnt sound to good, kinda mushy
I like the first half of this song alot. It is really random. You got alot of loops from Garage Band.
i think that all your songs are awsome, but they always need work on the levels. this one DEFENITLLY needs the beet turned up at some parts. I realy like the concept of it though.
i like it alot. i should be in one of those games where you dont know whats gunna be around the next corner. i wished it would have evolved though. a real beat never comes in, or the music doesnt pick up. you have really great ideas, keep it up.
Oakland Mills
columbia MD
Joined on 3/30/07